Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Bliss of Progressivism...

We will start this with a quick little lesson...just so we ALL understand exactly how our Founding Fathers intended by design for it all to work...

How appropriate today...a "3 ring circus"...emphasis on the circus part. But the most important line is "that no one part controls the other"...a simple and beautiful system of checks and balances.

Enter the first "progressive"...stage far far left...

Our beloved president Teddy Roosevelt, is not widely remembered as a Republican; however, before becoming president in 1901,he was the leader of the Republican party, and founder of the "Progressive" Bull Moose Party of 1912.
He felt it was his duty to take whatever actions necessary for the public good. "I did not usurp power," he wrote. "But I did greatly broaden the use of executive power."
Roosevelt was focused on bringing big business under stronger regulation so that he could effectively "serve" all the people. One of his first "achievements" was to reduce the control of "big business" by neutralizing the Sherman Antitrust Act, which was enacted by Congress in 1890 to maintain economic liberty, and eliminate restraints on trade and competition.
Known as "The Father of Conservation" for his bringing about the National Parks system we all enjoy today, ironically Roosevelt and his entourage went on safari "in the name of science" and was responsible for the killing or trapping of over 11,397 animals, from insects to elephants. This included 512 big game animals, of which six were rare white rhinos.

The expedition team ate 262 of the the name of culinary science I guess.

President Roosevelt and his Progressive cabinet believed in eugenics(think Obamas'science czar John Holdren, blog edition 2-14-10),

Roosevelt said, "I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized and feeble-minded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them." He and his administration then attempted the forced sterilization of the sick, unemployed, poor, criminals, prostitutes, and the disabled.

(In 1920 baby judging expanded to Fittest Family contests, which crossed the line from basicpreventive medicine to the study of eugenics. Photographed here is a crowd at the Eugenics Building where the Governor’s Trophy would be presented to the Fittest Family at the 1920 Kansas State Fair in Topeka)

President Roosevelt accomplished many great things such as the Panama Canal, and is deserving of his lore and distinguished place in history. But he was also the harbinger of enormous government growth with huge overreaching taxation and spending to fund his ambitious goals in the name of the "average citizen".

Enter Woodrow Wilson, the "Progressive Intellectual President".(sound familiar) In his first term, President Wilson segregated the military for the first time and his Democratic Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and the first "PROGRESSIVE" federal income tax. He was the first president to take over banks by creating the Federal Reserve, He was the first president to take over free trade by creating the Federal trade Commission, and then empowered the FTC to control Wall Street through regulation with the Clayton Antitrust Act, and he was the first president to TAX his citizens with the federal income tax. He created the mistake of the League of Nations, now the United Nations, and is remembered as an "idealistic internationalist".
This overreaching of the government was so unpopular that the nation elected an unknown Republican Warren Harding, in what was then the largest presidential popular vote landslide in American history since the popular vote was recorded in 1824: 60.36% to 34.19%.
It wasn't until a true conservative named Calvin Coolidge became president in 1923 after Hardings death, that Big Government was challenged. President Coolidge believed that "civilization and profit go hand in hand" and that "collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery". Coolidge cut federal taxation and spending, put tariffs on foreign imports, and reduced regulations to favor business. He also stated "Don't expect to build the weak up by pulling down the strong", and began his agenda of tax cuts,fiscally responsible government, with fewer regulations on business and commerce. This ignited an era of unprecedented growth and prosperity known as the "roaring twenties".

This would be followed up by the next self described "Progressive Reformer" Republican president, Herbert Hoover. Although he served under the Coolidge administration(which got him elected)he also served in Woodrow Wilsons administration and believed in what he called the "Efficiency Movement", or government intervention through "economic modernization". President Hoover believed the ("roaring twenties")economy was broken, and that government with "intellectual experts" was the answer.(sound familiar) He expanded civil service, expanded the Justice Department, organized the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, instituted prison reform, the federal Department of Education, and was an advocate of Prohibition. To pay for his government programs he implemented one of the largest tax increases in American history, and raised income tax on the highest incomes from 25% to 63%. The estate tax was doubled and corporate taxes were raised by 15%. He ordered Congress to "investigate" the New York Stock Exchange and then used the Clayton Antitrust Act to implement "reforms". He went after "big oil" and canceled private oil leases on government lands. President Hoover adopted pro-labor policies. He enacted wage controls and job sharing. He met with union leaders and negotiated a deal whereby industry agreed not to reduce wages and labor unions agreed not to strike.(sound familiar)This later led to Hoover signing into law the Davis-Bacon Act, which required local governments to pay union wages on public works projects, and signed into law the Norris-La Guardia Act that limited judicial intervention in labor disputes. It is argued that these policies triggered a freefall of two-thirds of the nation's gross domestic product over the two years that followed, making a bad situation even worse. Thus...just 8 months into his presidency the "Great Depression" was born.

Meanwhile across the pond as they say...European nations were recovering and rebuilding from WWI. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi Party) rise to power in Germany in 1933, forming a "Progressive Fascist Regime". Mussolini's Italy and Hitlers Germany join forces in the early 1930's, and trample the "Treaty of Versailles" as the free world attempts appeasement, and understanding. By 1939 Russia appeases Hitler and signs the non-aggression pact with Germany and would support an attack on Poland. As its reward, Russia would be invaded by Germany and Italy two years later in 1941.
Hitler took full advantage of our eagerness to get along...

This is the Bund, February 20, 1939. Over 20,000 "American" citizens gathered at Madison Square Garden to "Honor" George Washingtons birthday...notice the the giant image of George Washington hanging in the background...
The German American Bund established two training camps, Camp Nordlund in Sussex County, New Jersey and Camp Siegfried in Yaphank(the Hamptons), New York.

Campaigning for(ironically)Social Justice, they were even able to convince some American citizens to accept their belief that they are special, that they are better than others, that they deserve special privileges.

Meanwhile, back in the states,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected to his first of four presidential terms in 1932. FDR is fondly remembered in American history, and being the "Romantic Progressive" he does not let "a good crisis go to waste". He immediately asserted new regulations on banking and finance by creating the Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate banks and stock exchanges, empowered the Federal Reserve by taking the nations currency off the gold standard. He created the Works "Progress" Administration, intended to offer immediate work programs for the unemployed, and created the entitlement program social security tax for the future protection of the worker in unemployment, sickness, and old age. He created the Tennessee Valley Authority to insure government control of the countries natural resources. He created the National Recovery Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and the Public Works Administration, putting industry and agriculture under government controls through huge spending of public funds. President Roosevelt attempted to "reorganize" the Supreme Court in 1937, and campaigned to "purge" Congress in subsequent elections of the members who were not happy with government takeovers, entitlements, massive spending, taxation and disagreed with his "New Deal".
President Roosevelt enacted all of this BEFORE the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. It wouldn't be until the "sleeping giant" is awoken that many of the chains of the "New Deal" are put on hold and the true industrial might of capitalism would create the most powerful nation the world has ever known simultaneously lifting the United States out of the "Great Depression".

It is the dream of Utopian society in the name of Social Justice through massive government control that squelched industry and growth, plummeting the "common citizen" into poverty, despair and hopelessness for over a decade. Creating a belief in society and future generations, that only the government can help you, because the citizens(you and I), left to their own devices, are greedy, irresponsible liars that can't be trusted.

Leftist ideals (Marxism, Fascism, Communism,and in the U.S. Progressivism)are all born from Social and Economic Justice... the "haves and the "have nots". It is this basic premise that is crucial to the justification of a "classless" society, and any idea that individuals are responsible for their behavior and its consequences. People of achievement are labeled as the"privileged", as if they did nothing to achieve their success. The "have nots" invariably are victims of an unfair society and become the "underprivileged", and are in no way responsible for what they do not if they were born into a society of Kings and peasants. "Social Justice" then evolves into programs such as "progressive taxation" and "income redistribution" and even "affirmative action" and "reparations".
So just what are we to think when we hear President Obama speak to his "progressive friends" in Congress during the state of the union address, or when we hear the Secretary of State say...

Or when President Obamas' Communications Director Anita Dunn, at a graduation speech says to our children...

or when the Presidents Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom says...

or when his Federal Communications czar praises Hugo Chavez and his "Democratic Revolution".
or when our elected officials tell private business...

or how about when a group that has received thousands of your tax dollars through the "stimulus package" says...

or when the President himself tells us who his friends are...

Now I know this might be contrary to what many people think, and I would like to say that not all of these people and policies are evil. But I do think it is important to see what the "words" mean and where they historically have have led. I just presented over twenty years of people and policies IN THIS COUNTRY who in their own words and actions agree that Absolute Power and Total Government are the answer to the United States and the worlds problem...controlling YOU. Under the guise of Social and Economic Justice some horribly evil things were justified and only later, through the eyes of history were the consequences revealed...

What do all of these human tragedies have in common ?
A government that created crisis in order to attain total control on behalf of its very own people. Government intervention into every aspect of human life. When you combine fear, hopelessness and hunger you get a nasty cocktail of Marxism, Fascism, Communism, Liberalism, and Maoism...which historically has resulted in generations being exterminated for the "common good".
In the U.S. the names have been changed to protect the guilty. With early "Progressivism", which became a dirty word and then became "Liberalism" only to become "Modern Progressivism" today, we don't march to this inevitable end, we take baby steps. We accept slow "progress" and advance one bloated government program at a taxation, healthcare reform, spreading the wealth, affirmative action, stimulous packages, bail-outs, bribes, union deals, special interest groups, steps.
We seem to have accepted that even with a Congressional approval rating of less than 20%,and over two-thirds of the PEOPLE saying NO, our elected officials still have no problem saying...

Keep in mind...That wall she's talking about "pole vaulting,or parachuting" over is YOU...the people are just in their way...
you just aren't smart enough to

They don't even know what's in it...but we're going to make it law anyway cause....

what !?!!? actually read it so that THEY, the lawmakers know whats in it...
how dare us presume THEY read it first...
And just why do THEY need lawyers to read it? They are lawyers...sooo if THEY don't know what's in it or what it means...WHO WROTE IT !?!?!
Who's the stupid one ??? The constitutional lawyer who just doesn't have the time... Or us for repeatedly electing these jackholes !?!?

That is why our founding fathers created the 3 ring circus. So that "no one part controls the other". A simply brilliant system of checks and balances based on...

That's right...the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They are not "outdated living documents that need to evolve" as the Liberals and Progressives would have us believe, but they are the RULES that our elected officials seem to have a problem following. The Constitution exists to keep government from becoming too big and destroying you and I, and itself.
How much of what you have read here in this edition, reminds you of what is being said and done today, not only by this administration, but by the previous 3 administrations as well ? How many times have you thought "oh why even vote...they are all the same" ?
It's because they are all the same.
We are the one of the most highly taxed countries in the world, and some of you live in one of the highest taxed states in the country. Ask yourself where your money is it going to fix your pothole ridden roads in California?...or is it going to unions, administrators and pension funds? Is it going to your teachers and schools?...or is it going to unions, administrators and pension funds?...Is it going to your police and fire departments?...or is it going to unions, administrators and pension funds? Think how many times you've heard...
If you don't vote for proposition blah blah blah we're going to have let your teachers go,...if don't vote for this prop. we're going to have let your policemen and firemen go. The highest paid administrators, who vote in their own payraises with your tax dollars, would never dream of not receiving their cost of living pay raise. But they are the first to cut YOUR services by "letting go" the lowest paid people that actually do the work, your firemen, policemen, and teachers, they just have no choice...because you just don't want to pay them.
You evil taxpayer you.
There is an old joke that's not such a joke now, it goes...
I hear they are letting CALTRANS workers go....
because they invented a shovel that can stand up by itself !...
but the real joke is that the unions would counter and say ...
you can't let them go....
somebody still has to stand those shovels up !

The real irony here, is that we will be the only people who taught our children that big government was there to take care of them...

and then VOTED our independence away.

And now a word from this episodes sponsors...

Thanx for being here...please leave a comment below

see ya next time

1 comment:

  1. As usual, fantastic expose'!

    An eye opener for me about four years ago was when I asked a twenty something friend bragging about being a progressive why there were one and what it meant.

    Their answer, "I am a progressive because progress is cool, what could be wrong with that?"

    They knew no history of it, what it really represents today or why they just blindly follow the propaganda of the movement.

    That is when I knew, we are in trouble! We have people acting as puppets to the movement who are nothing more than useful idiots. I hope many will find your information and pass it on to those who need it.

    ~Safari :)
