Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adding Insult to Injury....

We should have seen it from the start,
When a prized sculpture of former prime minister Winston Churchill, once voted the greatest Briton in history, was formally handed back to our staunchest ally shortly before the Obama inauguration ceremonies.
A spokesman for the British Embassy in Washington said, “We have made it clear that we would be pleased to extend the loan should Mr. Obama so wish.” The White House response was “Thanks, but no thanks.”
Obamas' very first foriegn policy slap in the face, to our strongest supporter of freedom no less,
should have been a beacon of who our OLD friends WERE,
and who our NEW friends ARE.
Obamas' embarrassing surprise decision to send the Churchill bust back to England shows his insensitivity towards America’s closest ally, coming at a time when nearly 9,000 British troops were fighting alongside their American counterparts in Afghanistan.
President Obama followed that up with a visit to the Queen of England and gifted her an IPOD...
Yeah... an IPOD complete with his favorite hip-hop hits and a greatest hits montage of his own speeches.
During his visit, Englands Prime Minister Gordon Brown gifted President Obama an ornamental pen holder made from the priceless timbers of the historical Victorian anti-slave ship HMS Gannet.
The unique present delighted President Obama because oak from the Gannet's sister ship, HMS Resolute, was carved to make a desk that has been in the Oval Office at the White House since 1880.
Mr Brown also gave President Obama a framed commission painting of the HMS Resolute.

In return the ever so eloquent President Obama, the leader of the world's richest country, gave the Prime Minister a box set of 25 classic American films - a gift about as embarrassing and insulting as a pair of socks and a package of personally autographed underwear.

So as our President publicly slaps our closest friends and allies in the face...
Mr. Obama goes on his whirlwind apology tour saying this...

and while he insults our allies, our critics get this...

While he's bowing, kissing rings and checking out the shoes of arrogant Kings...

Israel, our next closest ally, expressed its concerns about Obama's advisers. Like Samantha Power, who advocated the ending of all military aid to Israel, chief military adviser Anthony McPeak, who has placed the blame on Israel for all problems in the region, and his nuclear adviser Joseph Cirincione who believes the U.S. should effectively strip Israel of its rumored nuclear deterrent.
So its no surprise that President Obama and his Administration then decide to try to embarrass and insult Israel during a recent meeting between the two long time allies.
Not only did President Obama excuse himself during the meeting for dinner, leaving the Prime Minister alone in the state room, but he so kindly offered the use of the White House phone, just in case Mr. Netanyahu needed to consult his staff....
regarding the 13 demands presented to the Prime Minister that he must meet in order to “restore confidence” in the peace process with the Palestinian Authority, according to Mr. Obama.
The President then departed without the customary shaking of hands for the media photo op, leaving instructions to alert him IF the Prime Minister was ready to move forward with discussions.
Among these demands are,
that Israel hand over control of most its national capital, Jerusalem, to the Palestinian Authority.
Withdraw all Israeli military units now patrolling areas used by Palestinian fighters to launch attacks on innocent Jewish citizens,
and release over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners.

Since when does the leader of the free world negotiate on behalf of these guys...

More importantly WHY are we negotiating on behalf of groups who are financed by these guys...

It's almost as bad as closing Guantanomo and releasing the people responsible for this...

So while the Obama Administration continues to negotiate on behalf of Hezbollah and Hamas, he also continues to worry about our relations with our long-time and loyal friends...
the Russian Federation, of course.
So just for giggles he sent our Secretary of State to Russia for this "feel good" ridiculous photo op...

And as Russia shakes our hand with one arm behind their back,
they and China continuously block sanctions to stop nuclear weapons from being obtained by the worlds most unstable governments like North Korea and Iran...

While they cozy up with dictators like Chavez by emboldening them with modern weaponry...

In the meantime we agree not to defend our allies in northern Europe including Poland and the Czech Republic, by appeasing the Russians with the cancellation of the missile defense system, promised by the Bush administration....
and in the middle of implementation, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars.
Then we make a public spectacle of signing a meaningless nuclear proliferation treaty....
which had already been enacted with SALT I, SALT II and the START treaties by previous administrations.
Ironically, (or conveniently) this treaty does not include India, Pakistan, France, North Korea, Iran, or China.
So as we slash our arsenal, and agree not create or test new weaponry, the rest of the world continues to innovate technology and build their stockpiles.

Meanwhile President Obama thought it was important to put thousands out of work by ending production of these...

Meanwhile Russia and China and their allies continue to innovate into the future...

with designs that look remarkably like the F-22 and F-35...

If I'm not mistaken you can hear them saying "this is the next generation of air power which we will use to crush the American oppressors".
Thanx President Obama...

President Obama is plotting a new course in the defense of the United States and her allies...

That is what "candidate" Obama declared to the Caucus 4 Priorities, a liberal pacifist organization,
Before he was elected.
He continued by promising to support the group's policies, including reducing the National Missile Defense program to a basic research program, cutting the F-22 Raptor, the Virginia-class Submarine, the V-22 Osprey airplane/helicopter hybrid, the DDG-1000 destroyer, and the Army's Future Combat System. Also, the group advocates eliminating two Air Force fighter wings and one aircraft carrier battle-group.
Almost all of which has already been completed in less than a year and a half, while the unemployment rate hovers at over 10%.

And just for good measure, to show that we mean it...
this administration cancelled all funding for NASA. Effectively ending next generation technologies, and the space shuttle program with a flick of his Bic pen.
Again stopping a program already years into implementation,
and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars while putting thousands into the unemployment line.
Thus ensuring that WE CAN NO LONGER GET OUR OWN ASTRONAUTS to the "international space station".
After paying with American astronaut lives and U.S tax dollars for 90% of the construction costs and 100% of the technology.
For the first time since JFK, the United States will literally take a back seat in space technology,
AS WE PAY the Russians to fly us there (if they want) in their antiquated Soyuz program.

I can see Obamas' point, why do this...

When we can pay another not so trustworthy country for this...

I'm sure our astronauts can't wait for that thrill of anticipation of hoping the chute opens, so they can chill in their cool lounge chairs out in the desert after being in space for 6 months and crashing back to earth in a tin can...

That's one giant leap for Russia...another crippling step backwards for America.
Thanx again Mr. Obama

We continue to cede leadership in the world with every category the President has put his Progressive finger into,
Just as the Obama Administration has done with our energy policy...

While this administration closes our power plants and purposely drives our people into further economic distress,
the rest of the industrialized world builds 10 new coal power plants....
for every 1 this administration puts out of business, and the hundreds it puts in the unemployment line.

President Obama, the most intellectual president ever(according to his cronies), has revealed his lack of historical knowledge.
He fails to see that some of the very best economic times were after WWI, WWII and after the Cold War was ended with the fall of the former Soviet Union. During these moments in history, the United States lead the world in technology, and production.
That alone is power.
Not only does the advancement of defense technology CREATE jobs at every level, it also creates wealth as we sell this technology and replacement parts to our allies for their own defense.
This export also creates ALLIES, who enjoy the unrivaled protection from our state of the art defense systems, as well as the security and protection of the free world.

By shouting from the top steps of the Capitol his intention to end development of this countries cutting edge defense systems, he has reduced our bargaining strength against our adversaries while gaining absolutely nothing.
I'll bet he really sucks at poker!

What seems to be lost to this President and his administration is that historically sanctions only give rogue regimes more time...

and only emboldens our enemies to shout from their minerats and mosques what their true intent really is...

These people see our "sanctions" and "treaties" as a weakness...
impotent "threats" that they know world organizations such as the U.N. will never allow to be enforced.
So they go ignored, and are used to incite the masses.

This administration needs to understand that the people who don't like you, even after you have extended the olive branch and lifted them up, will take advantage of your weakness when the opportunity presents itself.

It's becoming clear as in President Obamas' case,
that it's hard work being the leader all the time,
and when you have never been the leader of anything in your life,
it's a whole lot easier being a follower.

In life you are what you know,
and it is obvious now, that what he knows best is how to follow.

Mr. Obama needs to quit listening to the likes of Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky, Dick Cloward, Frances Piven and people like this...

and pick up a real history book, which evidentally does not exist at Harvard or Columbia Universities.
Maybe then he can become "enlightened" and see...

That historically, peace has only come to those who have the fortitude to lead through character and strength,
AND who have the will to defend themselves as well as their allies...with strength !!!!
not by lowering your standards and appeasing to your enemies.

The best defense is your strength through friends...
with weapons so feared,
that they are never used.

We need leadership that will quit kicking our friends in the crotch and slapping their face when they speak.
Instead of publicly kissing our enemies asses as we hold their hand.

Because right now he is only adding "Insult to Injury",
while sending America to the back of the line.

And now a word from our future weapons technology sponsors...

That oughtta teachem to mess with us....

Thanx for being here...please leave a comment below

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sticks and Stones...

Remember when we were kids, and the loudmouth and their buddies at school or in your neighborhood, had no problem calling people names, or telling people lies about you or your friends, just for their own agenda or entertainment ??
You usually did one of two things, either yelled back,
or physically tried to shut their mouth.
No matter which it was, it always seemed that the one who got in trouble was the one defending themselves.
Or if you were caught by a liberal teacher,
BOTH parties had to "share equally" in the punishment.
Then, when you got home the real trouble began.
You would say to your parents, they started it by telling all your friends lies, or calling you names.

What did Mom always say ???
You just tell them....
"Sticks and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me"

Mom was wrong !!!

That's right I said it...
Mom was wrong,
because it sure felt like those words hurt,
and the wrath you endured afterwords sure hurt.
Whether it was the damage control you had to embark upon to restore your reputation,
or the damage done when you couldn't...
those words hurt.

Well now that we're all growed up and stuff, those same people seem to have figured out that tactic worked every time. And now it is even more costly.
Words can and do cost you dearly, either in your career or your personal life. However, the price paid now has exponentially increased, and your ability to refute, has decreased equally in the opposite direction.

Let's extrapolate that to our current political environment.

Back in the February 23 blog "where are you now?" I outlined the hypocrisy that is the Left and its media base,
and I asked "where are you now".
Every night on the news for the previous eight years we heard this...

or this...

Again I ask...just where are these people now ???
We aren't out of Iraq as he promised his voters,
and in fact President Obama and Congress sent 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan.....
So where is the outrage and the pictures of coffins with daily body counts from the main stream media that we saw at nauseum every night for eight straight years ????
Their silence is deafening....

and yet we still get more of this...

The problem here is that Mr. Carter is singling out the people voicing their displeasure with President Obama,
Just how do you differentiate these two groups?
Why is the group demonstrating against President Bush true "patriots" innocently exerting their first amendment rights...
while those who oppose President Obama in the same manor considered "dangerous right wing extremists"?

but you never really saw any of this in the news...

but you heard plenty of this...

and God forbid the media cross Pelosi...

followed up with a healthy dose of this...

and just for good measure....a little fear mongering...
from the Speaker of the House herself...Nancy Pelosi...

ooopsy...sorry...wrong snippitt...
an easy mistake...(maybe it's just me)but they look and sound so much alike....

The leader of the House of Representatives "believes we should all take responsibility for what we say"...

As you may have read in the February 25 episode "the enemy within",
I talked about the Dept. of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitanos' release of her report on terrorism.
In that document she states that "right-wing extremist ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States."

But it seems to me that our Liberal government leaders keep screaming from the top of the capital steps to watch out for this group...

While the Left-Wing news organizations and blogs are bursting at the seams with "information" and "warnings" from "scary new polls", such as...
"Obama Derangement Syndrome—pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism—has infected the Republican Party."...and that "We are playing with dynamite by demonizing our president and dividing the United States in the process."
They continue with, polls "clearly show that education is a barrier to extremism. Respondents without a college education are vastly more likely to believe such claims, while Americans with college degrees or better are less easily duped."
Then cap it all off by calling all of those people... "Hatriots".

I wonder who's going to take responsibility for those statements ? So let's see...
people who believe in serving in the military,
who believe in their right to own a firearm,
who believe that this country is borrowing too much,
spending too much,
and that the government is taxing too much,
are uneducated "Hatriots" who have been
"easily duped" into "demonizing our President"...

Soooooo....what about the groups of demonstrators at the beginning of this blog ???
Weren't they also "playing with dynamite by demonizing our president and dividing the United States" as well as uneducated "Hatriots" who had been "easily duped" into
"demonizing our President"...????

I don't recall hearing anything even remotely similar to that then....do you ???

Don't they think that by broad brushing such large group of people some might be offended, just a little bit ?!?!?....Maybe...just a little...

Or is that EXACTLY what they think,
and Exactly the reaction they want to see ???
In one lefty bloggers' own words...
"What might be good for ratings is bad for the country."

What I find completely disingenuous is that for over a year Congress and this administration ignored every poll, including this CNN/Opinion Research poll stating that "an overwhelming majority of those surveyed -- 72 percent -- want Congress either to make major changes, start over from scratch, or simply stop working on health care legislation. Just 26 percent want Congress to pass the current health care proposal as is."
They evidently couldn't see or hear these people...

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that:
11% of voters rate Congress’ performance as good.
64% of voters say Congress is doing a poor job.
41% of voters think most members of Congress are corrupt.
76% think members of Congress are most interested in their own careers.
80% of voters think most members of Congress did not understand the Healthcare Bill before they voted on it.
63% of all voters nationally believe it would be best for the
country if most incumbents in Congress were defeated this November.
75% of voters are angry at the policies of the federal government.
64% of voters now view House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unfavorably.
56% of voters now view Senate Majority leader Harry Reid unfavorably.

butt watta we no...der de der derr derr...
after sum karful thinkun a corse... ar unejikated anser ta dis wood be...

an if yu ax us...dis shud be ar nuw anthumb...

The irony here is that they couldn't hear or see any of the "unejikated" people who kept answering every poll call, showed up at townhall meetings, demonstrated at the Capitol and wrote or phoned their Congress person screaming NOOOO !!!! at the top of their lungs.
But just two days after passing the Healthcare Bill,
after being completely ignored, lied to, labeled as stupid or racist, and called names,
a very small portion, of this huge group of people,
who stood and said for almost two years,
Sticks and Stones will break our bones but words will never hurt us...
were finally frustrated enough to wrongly take action by throwing a brick at a window or by making a stupid threat....

and suddenly our Progressive Liberal Lawmakers could hear them loud and clear,

So.... now we will ALL SHARE in the punishment together....
because now....
we are ALL "right-wing extremists" whos' "ideology is the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States."

Right on cue....

Just as Dept. of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano predicted....

HMMMMMMMMM......coincidence ??????

Suddenly it appears they read every poll or blog, and listen to every phone call, or can hear a single persons slurs in a crowd of thousands....
even though they can't hear the thousands,
who just wanted an answer or even acknowledgement that they are there !!!

Well, while I in no way condone the actions of these fringe few...
I do wonder....

and now a word from our new health care pharmaceutical sponsors...

see you next time....please leave a comment below