Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Like There's No Tomorrow...

Have you wondered lately,
as you sit back and watch the news, or read the paper...,
What has happened ???
Why does it seem that the things we once thought as important,
just don't seem to matter anymore.

As a society, we seem to have tolerated a systemic degradation of everything,
from the simple and mundane, such as common decency and manners,
to matters of utmost importance, like national security and debt.

It just seems that somewhere in the last twenty years or so,
A seismic shift in priorities has occurred, and NOBODY has told you or I.

Back when our grandparents were in charge, our national sovereignty was guarded with pride,
People came to this country because of its ideals, and opportunity...
these immigrants took pride in becoming an American citizen,
They struggled to assimilate as quickly as possible,
All cherishing their heritage, while brimming with pride as an AMERICAN.
They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans.

Now too many immigrants come here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture.
When people cross the U.S. border ILLEGALLY now, you get: a job, a driver's license, a place to live, housing benefits, health care, education, child benefits, tax free business for 7 years...

When our grandparents and great-grandparents worked for pennies on the dollar...,
Leaving things better than you found them, and Family, were the most important things.
They proudly paid their taxes,
They lived within their means, and KNEW and helped their neighbors when needed.

Now, for the most part we live in debt,
as individuals, and as a nation.
The national debt is now over 14.5 TRILLION dollars....
That is equal to ALL 315 MILLION of us...(not including illegal immigrants)..,
every man woman and CHILD...BORROWING about $47,000...
or EVERY TAX PAYING citizen BORROWING $113,500...from China..,

In 2006, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama took control of Congress..,
Since 2006, under Democratic controlled Congress,

the U.S. government's debt ceiling has been raised SEVEN times.

The U.S. national debt rises at an average of approximately $4 BILLION...PER DAY.

If you spent one dollar every second, you would have spent a MILLION dollars in twelve days. At that same rate, it would take you 32 YEARS to spend a BILLION dollars.
But it would take you more than 31,000 YEARS to spend a TRILLION dollars....

It could be argued that MOST of the problems 'THEY' (the Democratic Progressive Party) like to tell everybody they 'inherited'...

Almost HALF of all money spent by the Federal Government is BORROWED money.
According to an official United States government report,
the total UNFUNDED LIABILITIES (future social security and medicare payments that the U.S. government is already committed to pay out) of the United States government,
NOW EXCEEDS 65 TRILLION UNFUNDED dollars....or four and a half times our national debt.

That is not including $500 BILLION dollars of UNFUNDED LIABILITIES in Pelosi, Boxer, Waters and Fienstiens home state of California,
$140 BILLION dollars in Obama's home state of Illinois $44 BILLION of that in Chicago alone,
or the $205 BILLION UNFUNDED LIABILITY DOLLARS in the state of New York.
And what do these 3 states and the Federal Government have in common ???
Pelosi...Reid...and Obama...

So as we watch our BORROWED money maintain the borders of foreign countries...
While thugs, gangs, drugs and terrorist flood across our own 'indefensible' border,
Our leaders....

As we watch Unions and Socialists gather together and extort local, state and Federal governments...
our leaders...

As we watch our youth degenerate before our eyes...

While we watch our neighbors suffering through disaster after disaster....

our leaders...

As we watch our leaders forgiving debts and sending BORROWED money to countries who openly hate us...
While they disrespect our allies and embrace our enemies...

Our leader...

As we are distracted with Weiners wiener...

the politicians politic...

And spend OUR money like there is no tomorrow...

and our leaders....

When will someone ask 'What has happened'....

It seems that these people know something that you or I don't...
They have no worries,
no guilt,
no moral issues...,
While the commoner struggles with these same issues daily,
Our elected and trusted leaders don't share our sense of urgency or doom...
Those in charge seem to be stringing this along,
Trying to fool all the people...all of the time...
just a little longer, or better yet, just long enough.

They truly appear to be living at our expense, as if there is no tomorrow...

Maybe..., just maybe, that IS what is going on here...

What if somebody took the obvious facts of the leaders actions as previously listed....
and paired them with conspiracy dooms day prophecies of the uneducated commoner...

What if the conspiracy theories aren't merely theories at all...
and instead are conspiracy fact ?

Perhaps the world is witnessing the funneling of trillions of dollars from government policies and agencies to secretly fund the preservation of the privileged...

Like huge underground bunkers for the elites...
One such company building these underground survival bunkers for the US elite is the American Reassurance Communities (ARC), and who describe their efforts as follows:
“Each ARC Bunker Complex consists of a 300,000 sq ft subterranean self-contained community survival shelter complex designed to accommodate 2500 people for up to 60 months in military grade bunkers complete with schools, medical/dental, greenhouses, theater, recreation, everything needed for a large group of people to live in a safe, comfortable environment and survive almost any disaster.
ARC Bunkers are manufactured to withstand a direct nuclear hit, EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attacks, biological attacks, hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, earthquakes, floods, solar flares, meteorites, and ground assaults.”
By the way...even if you had the money to contract ARC to build for you...
They are booked full...I guess this is the one area of the economy on the upswing.

U.S. Gen. Eugene Habinger, called the secret Russian bunker Yamantau...
"a very large complex -- we estimate that it has millions of square feet available for underground facilities. We don't have a clue as to what they're doing there."
It is believed to be large enough to house 60,000 persons, with a special air filtration system designed to withstand a nuclear, chemical or biological attack. Enough food and water is believed to be stored at the site to sustain the entire underground population for months on end.

Just where have the Trillions of dollars and perhaps 100's of Trillions of dollars around the world gone ???
The 16 Trillion reported 'missing' from the FED...
The 1.2 billion missing from Corzine's Monetary Fund,
The uncounted billions from Bernie Madoff,
The 600 million from Solyndra and many other cases,
The untold Trillions from the Social Security fund.., to name but the few we actually know of.

Can you point out ONE tangible thing that the Trillion dollars in bailouts and stimulus
has produced ???

Every country is in financial ruin,

and the people are in the streets rioting ???

Our leaders ignore our borders...

Why are governments building massive bunkers, and who's paying for them ???

Massive seed preservation depositories...

Natural disaster after natural disaster...

Why are there massive die offs of different species of animals around the world ???

Why are there so many conflicting reports coming from all governments around the world ???

So much information and disinformation that it is next to impossible to decipher the truth..,

And most of all...why does it seem that NOBODY cares...

The world is burning down around us...

and the sky could soon be literally crashing down upon us...

and our leaders....

On one hand, the people responsible for spending YOUR money are giving us the impression that everything is fine...

all the while.., telling you to go back to your video games and American Idol...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...

On the other hand,
Doesn't it seem that those same people seem to know something you don't...???

They continue with THEIR agenda no matter how unpopular,

The only urgency they seem to show is nothing more than a unprecedented rush accumulate ALL the wealth they can,

They are taking TRILLIONS and supposedly spending it ON YOU at breakneck speed on programs and bailouts...

But do we really know ???

What if the guy on the corner is right ?

Those in power....., the elites in control..,

definitely seem to be PREPARING themselves for something...

at OUR expense...

Is it this...

Or more likely THIS...

All the while laughing...

and living like THERE IS NO TOMORROW....

With that I will leave you with this telling quote to ponder...

"The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury."
- George Washington

...I'm Just Sayin....